The intercomprehension between romance languages: a tool for intercultural exchanges

una herramienta para los intercambios interculturales


Keywords: Intercomprehension, Interculturality, Plurilingualism, Romance languages


Considering the current globalized and intercultural scenario, and also the significant migration flow in the world (IOM, 2022), intercultural exchanges derived from contact with foreign languages are important tools for social development, enabling connections between people from different countries and cultures. However, the difficulty of identifying effective didactic pathways that favor these exchanges in the classroom is an evident problem.Thus, we inquire ourselves: can the intercomprehension of Romance languages favor intercultural exchanges in an exolingual context of language learning? In this regard, Miranda-Paulo (2018) points out that the close relations between different languages and cultures represent an excellent source of obtaining socio-cultural and linguistic knowledge, and this is precisely the objective of plural teaching approaches. In this article we aim to identify the approach of Intercomprehension between Romance languages (CI) as a didactic tool that promotes intercultural exchanges, also enabling the linguistic improvement of foreign language learners. It is in this perspective that this article presents part of the results of a research that sought to identify the benefits of using the intercomprehension approach between Romance languages as a tool to facilitate intercultural exchanges.  This exploratory and autoethnographic (Santos, 2017) study reviews the literature of prominent researchers in this field — including Capucho (2010), Carola and Costa (2015), and Dautzenberg (2016). The discussions developed converge in a three-dimensional analysis of extracts from the interaction of the participant, who is also the author of this research, in the Romanofonia e Cinema 6 project. It is believed, therefore, that the use of this approach between Romance languages strongly contributes to the enhancement of sociocultural competencies of individuals who use it.


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August 8, 2024

How to Cite

SILVA, I. K. B. da; MUNOZ, A. M. E. .; SILVA, M. R. S. da . The intercomprehension between romance languages: a tool for intercultural exchanges: una herramienta para los intercambios interculturales. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 13, n. 3, p. e–2407, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12786178. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.


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