Context under the bias of Sociocognition in Portuguese Language textbooks
Based on the theoretical assumptions of Sociocognition, context is a (re)elaborated construction between theparticipants of an interaction based on various elements in a specific social situation that the interlocutors considerrelevant for the understanding and production of discourses (VAN DIJK, 2012). Based on this, the general objective ofthe article is to investigate the relationship that is established between context and understanding in the openingsections of the thematic units of Portuguese Language textbooks for Elementary School final years. Specifically, weintend to list the context models activated by the authors of the textbooks through the work carried out in the open ingsection of the units, in order to understand the discourse(s) that these works reveal to students on the subject of adolescents. As a methodology, we analyzed the collection Vontade de Saber Português approved by the PNLD(2014). The general results led us to consider that the analyzed collection sought to adopt strategies that tried to putan active reader on the scene in the comprehension process. Such strategies indicated the intrinsic relationshipbetween the activated context models and the process of discursive understanding about the theme worked in the unit.
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