The contingency of coherence in the light of context: analysis of Globo Rural tweets
The present work is anchored in Textual Linguistics (TL), seeking to reflect on how the notion of context and its categories of emergence and incorporation (HANKS, 2008) contribute to the processes of building coherence in digital interactions. We conceive text as an event (MARCUSCHI, 2008; CAVALCANTE; CUSTÓDIO FILHO, 2010),encompassing in this notion the phenomenon of hypertext as a textual manifestation characterized by specificities that make even more central the notion of context and the construction of coherence in digital interactions (PAVEAU, 2020;ELIAS; CAVALCANTE, 2017). The understanding of context as movements of emergence and incorporation, where asthe construction of coherence as a highly local and contingent phenomenon, makes it possible to deal with the construction of coherence in a more systematic way. Starting from these categories and the challenge of the digitalnative text for linguistic investigation, we analyzed a tweet from the official page of the Globo Rural Magazine, observing how the incorporation to different contexts can be strategic for engagement in digital interactions. This aspect in subsequent interactions that emphasized the ambivalent character of the tweet between political and agribusiness fields. In addition, we noticed how comments to the tweet indicated a construction of meaning varying between strict meanings, meanings established in interpretive relevance or topical relevance. Therefore, it isemphasized that coherence is built on several levels, that context is built in the interaction and, mainly, that coherenceand context are highly dynamic in relation to interactions established by the participants in discursive practices.
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