Educating children in additional languages for diversity and social justice: socio-interactional contributions of the children's story genre


Palavras-chave: Social Justice Education, Teaching through textual genres, Narrative-character system, Emancipatory literature, Didactic sequence


This article, inserted in the context of applied linguistics and within the theoretical-methodological framework of Sociodiscursive Interactionism, aims to share the results presented in the learning of additional language (AL) with young children from the systematization of the relationship between the genre children's story (CS) (TONELLI, 2005), thein corporation of the narrative-character system (NCS) (CORDEIRO; DAGHÉ, 2020) and the choice of thematic content linked to the precepts of social justice education (SJE) (ADAMS; BELL; GRIFFIN, 2007). For this purpose, a didactic sequence (DS) (DOLZ; NOVERRAZ; SCHNEUWLY, 2004) was developed and applied in a regular classroom with childrenfrom the first grade of elementary school in a public context. Therefore, in this excerpt, we present the collected productionsdemonstrating how the CS textual genre was used by the students as a space for their identity construction at the sametime as the English language was used in social practices relevant to the context in question. The focus of the analyzes fellon the thematic content mobilized and the agency of the SC character in the textual domain based on the students'productions. The results reveal that the English language was used as an instrument of social interaction, since the evidence of linguistic development in the AL was more substantial to the aspects of the thematic content and the SNP. In addition, it was possible to verify that by focusing students' attention on the intentions, feelings and actions of the characters, the thematic content related to SJE and empathy in the face of diversity gained prominence in the application of the DS.


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Biografia do Autor

Gabrielle Martins Magiolo, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Holds a MA degree in Language Studies (Londrina State University).Currently English teacher at basic
education. She is currently carring out her PhD studies in the same Post-graduation Program.

Juliana Reichert Assunção Tonelli, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Holds a PhD in Language Studies (Londrina State University). She is currently an Associated Professor at the Foreign Languages Department at Londrina State University.


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Publicado em

12 de outubro de 2022

Como Citar

MAGIOLO, G. M.; TONELLI, J. R. A. Educating children in additional languages for diversity and social justice: socio-interactional contributions of the children’s story genre. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 11, n. 3, p. 303–328, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8170129. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 fev. 2025.

