Experimentalism in Brazilian contemporary prose: an analysis of the short story Corações ruidosos, by Alex Sens
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.35572/rlr.v9i3.1696
We elect as corpus of this article the short story Corações ruidosos, by Alex Sens. The story focuses on a bus trip, in which the characters are explored in order to reveal their life in the brief moments that are embraced by the narrative. This simple plot is strengthened by the techniques used by the author, which echoes the experimental urge from the early English modernism. We intend to clarify the narrative strategies used by Alex Sens, with a special regard to the narrator, and to weave semantic bridges between form and content, components that are closely related on the story. For this purpose, we held a bibliographic review on discussions about the narrator and the stream of consciousness. At the end, we noticed that the author, exploring multiple narrative voices, imbricates death’s motif – which goes through the existence of all characters – in the text’s signifier, defying crystallized notions of literature theory
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