The affirmation of indigenous identity in the works Metade Cara, Metade Máscara, by Eliane Potiguara, and Iracema, by José de Alencar


Mots-clés : Identity, Indigenous literature, Resistance, Metade Cara, Metade Máscara, Iracema


This study aims to raise a discussion on the indigenous identity affirmation present in Metade Cara, Metade Máscara (2004), by Eliane Potiguara, and Iracema, by José de Alencar, in order to establish a comparative dialogue between them. The novel Metade Cara, Metade Máscara (2004) allows us to reflect on indigenous identity, since the author brings to the plot aspects of the Potiguara peoples, such as: their traditions, experiences, cultural representations and influences of their ancestors. In Iracema (1865), the author points out issues of Brazilian nationality since the country's colonization. Alencar, among other nineteenth-century writers, sought to define national identity with his literary productions inspired by indigenous representation. The work tells the story of two ethnic groups: the Tabajaras and Pitiguaras peoples, who come into conflict because of the relationship between the indigenous protagonist Iracema and the Portuguese colonizer Martim. The author emphasizes the characteristics of the Brazilian landscape, resembling a female character that surpasses the exotic beauty of nature. The study is supported and based on the studies of theorists such as: Zigmund Balman (2005), Eliane Potiguara (2004), Stuart Hall (2003), Homi Bhabha (2005),  Daniel Munduruku (2018), Graça Graúna (2013) and Aníbal Quijano (1992, 2006), among others. As a result, it is possible to identify significant changes regarding the discourse of resistance through more active literary voices engaged in the process of reconstruction and identity affirmation.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Naiara Sales Araújo, Federal University of Maranhão

PhD in Comparative Literature from the Metropolitan University of London and Professor of the Academic
Master in Letters at the Federal University of Maranhão.

Eveline Gonçalves Dias, Federal University of Maranhão

Master's student in Letters at the Postgraduate Program in Letters of Bacabal - PPGLB, Federal University
of Maranhão - UFMA.


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HALL, S. A identidade cultural na pós-modernidade. Trad.: Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, Guacira Lopes Louro. 7 ed. Rio de Janeiro: DP & A, 2003.

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OLIVIERI-GODET, Rita. Graça Graúna: a poesia como estratégia de sobrevivência. Revista Interfaces Brasil-Canadá. Florianópolis/Pelotas/ São Paulo, v. 17, n. 3, 2017.

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WOODWARD, Kathryn. Identidade e diferença: uma introdução teórica e conceitual. In: SILVA, Tomas Tadeu da; HALL, Stuart; WOODWARD, Kathryn (orgs.), Identidade e diferença. A perspectiva dos estudos culturais (pp. 7-72). (Trad. Tomaz Tadeu da Silva). Petrópolis: Vozes, 2000.


décembre 29, 2021

Comment citer

ARAÚJO, N. S.; DIAS, E. G. The affirmation of indigenous identity in the works Metade Cara, Metade Máscara, by Eliane Potiguara, and Iracema, by José de Alencar. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 10, n. 4, p. 119–137, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8415265. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 déc. 2024.


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