Videogames and Literature: From Nimrod to Neuromancer
The present article aims to reflect on the relationship between videogames and literature, from the fifties to the eighties, showing how the interface between these two vehicles has provided important dialogues in the techno-scientific and artistic fields contributing to a vast production of electronic games developed by a constant reconstruction and adaptation process. It is known that literature has provided the process of technological development with the impulse that every agent needs to initiate an action. Such an impulse has occurred in several spheres of human knowledge, manifesting itself in the most varied forms, especially in the artistic-cultural field. In this sense, videogame can be pointed as an important element of measurement given its changeable and innovative character. If one take into account the trajectory and improvement of the techno-scientific discoveries over time, one will see that there is a continuation of what was idealized with the industrial revolution. In this context, there is also a trajectory of literary narratives that, through fiction, anticipated, accompanied and continue to follow this process, while being adapted or reinvented to other media.
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