Cinderella from reign to hinterland: a comparative approach between fairy tales and cordel narrative
The dialogue between children's literature and popular literature, especially the adaptations of classic narratives and fairy tales for cordel literature, has been a research subject by several scholars. However, little research has been done on the possibility of comparative approaches to this type of production within the school space. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis among three versions of the short story Cinderella, published at different times. Two classics: Cinderella or Gata Borralheira, by Charles Perrault, and Cinderella, by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm, and a cordel version titled Oxente Cinderela, by Isabelly Moreira. Next, we present a reading proposal with the mentioned texts, in order to provide a comparative approach that can stimulate the perception and reflection on what each work can reveal. To theoretically support this paper, we used Coelho (2008) and Trança (1991) to deal with the fairy tale, Hutcheon (2011) on the theory of adaptation, Carvalhal (2003; 2007) and Abreu (2004) on the comparative approach. We also return to Pinheiro and Marinho (2012), Pinheiro (2018), Alves and Rodrigues (2016) to think about the teaching of cordel literature and, finally, Alves (2020), Bajour (2021) and Rouxel (2014) as methodological support.
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