Haunted poems: a path in brazilian children's poetry
The approach of the child to poetry occurs, in childhood, in different ways: songs, rhymes, riddles, games and other manifestations that come from oral poetry. The permanence of this experience should be encouraged by the school, favoring children's contact with diverse manifestations of children poetry, which cultivates musicality, fantasy, recreation of games, doubts and other experiences (BORDINI, 1986). In this article, we aim to analyze some poems from the book “Chá de sumiço and other haunted poems”, by the poet André Ricardo Aguiar (2013), who is from Paraíba, Brasil. The work consists of 25 playful, short and humorous poems, which bring characters from our folk tradition in situations of haunting. The author portrays problems in our human reality, personifying the monsters; besides, he represents them from a perspective that is sometimes questioning, sometimes innovative. One issue that we will try to make explicit is the way in which the poet brings back and reinvents certain characters, we will also reflect on the adequacy of the text to the child reader. Theoretically, to support our work, we used the reflections of Bordini (1986), Cascudo (2002), Goldstein (1997) and Aguiar and Ceccantini (2012).
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