Filmic Referencing in ‘Blood-Drenched Beard’, by Daniel Galera
This paper aims at studying the use of intermedial writing in the novel Blood-Drenched Beard, by contemporary Brazilian writer Daniel Galera. It assumes that the novel expresses and organized itself through a filmic referencing, proposed here as term to indicate the specific relation between cinema and literature that works through intermedial referencing - as defined by Irina Rajewsky (2012) – by highlighting the visual component. The study also examines the critical reception of the novel with regard to its filmic language. Gilles Deleuze considerations in his Movement-image (1983) and Time-image (1985) provide the theoretical foundation on the characteristics of this language, born with cinema and widely used by other media today. This paper intends to further the thinking on the relationship between cinema and literature that seems to have had much less attention than the reversed relationship between literature and cinema, especially less than adaptation from book to screen. Finally, this study hopes to broaden some general knowledge about Brazilian contemporary literature
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