Sharp tongue: Donana and ancestral knowledge in Torto Arado


Keywords: Oralidade, Ancestralidade, Feminismos, Escrita negra


The thematic and narrative intricacies of the novel Torto Arado, by Itamar Vieira Junior, trigger several possibilities for academic studies, with emphasis on female protagonism. The initial reflection of this work focuses on the importance of the character Donana and the strength of orality, ancestry and memory of affection for the enunciative construction of the work and for embodying female resistance. Without disregarding the other women in the story, the relationship between granddaughters Bibiana and Belonísia (protagonists of the book) and grandmother Donana (matriarch of the novel) provide valuable clues to unveil how the link between female bodies-voices and ancestry is constructed. Some propositions to analyze: how does the character Donana, understood as a teacher of tradition, form the guiding thread of the story? Does the image construction of the character Donana occur differently in the affective memory of each granddaughter? How important is memory in the construction of an identity and a collective narrative of Fazenda Água Negra, the setting of the book? To discuss such propositions, the methodology aims at qualitative research with references that enable readings about ancestry, orality/orality, writing, among other operational concepts. The reflections produced in the work lead to important discussions about female representation in literature, which in the novel Torto Arado is constructed by a profusion of memories, beliefs and ancestral knowledge, important for the strengthening of a new literary language, outside the male colonizing axis. , as well as for a new visibility-architecture of the feminine, of black women, of other worlds cut and opened with them.


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Author Biography

nadja nayra brito leite , Mestranda/Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Academic training comprises the areas of communication and letters. Graduated in Social Communication (Major in Publicity and Propaganda) from UCSAL and Postgraduate (specialization) in Corporate Communication and Marketing at JTS. He has extensive professional experience in the area of ​​Communication, with an emphasis on advertising copywriting. In addition, he was a professor for 10 years teaching the disciplines of advertising writing, ethics and legislation and semiotics at UNIFTC. She is currently a graduate student in Literature and a Master's student in Cultural Criticism at the Department of Letters at the State University of Bahia – UNEB. It is dedicated to studies on feminisms, decoloniality and sociocultural criticism, relating the areas of communication, arts and letters.


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May 13, 2024

How to Cite

JAILMA DOS SANTOS PEDREIRA; LEITE, N. N. B. L. . Sharp tongue: Donana and ancestral knowledge in Torto Arado . Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 13, n. 1, p. e1296, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11178092. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.


n.1 - 2024 - Dossiê: Estudos linguísticos e literários