Produção de material didático e o incentivo à autoria docente: uma experiência no ensino de francês através do Idiomas sem Fronteiras na UFBA
The teaching of French for Specific Purposes (FSP) offers a unique opportunity for designing teaching materials that address the specifics of each learning context. However, it is common to find the variety used in it to be the so-called “standard”, a variety based entirely on French people’s culture and ways of speaking. Nonetheless, French is the fifth most spoken language in the world, which entails a range of different ways of speaking. It is, then, essential for teachers not only to recognize that diversity, but also bring it to the classroom, especially when teaching for internationalization. In that way, this article aimed at reporting the experience of a teacher in training who designed the material titled "L'alphabet de la francophonie", a multimedia resource made of songs, books, and images of francophone countries. The students’ needs in regards to linguistic and cultural diversity in the francophone world motivated the material’s development. The analysis in this article focuses on teacher authorship, deemed as an essential part of training, as a way of promoting interculturality, the understanding of the French-speaking world’s diversity, and student engagement. Such a project is crucial in order to foster the development of language and intercultural skills strongly based on mutual respect and on comprehension, and also to increase the chances of internationalizing Brazilian higher education. Besides, it also favors teacher authorship as an important part of teaching and learning. The results point to a positive impact on students’ cultural knowledge, even though improvements are still to be made, especially in terms of gender representation and diversity of media support.
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