Baby crying and its role in the language acquisition


Keywords: Baby cry, Communicative patterns


The objective of this work is to identify, based on the collection of crying data from babies in their incipient phase of development (very early childhood), language patterns. This data was collected in the form of videos available on YouTube. This article represents the result of the analysis of part of that study, which was guided by the assumptions of Tomasello (2003) in his approach to human development and language acquisition. According to this author, human knowledge is not only a genetic fruit that has been propagated throughout the time of development (ontogenic), but it also reverberates, in its essence, cultural marks (phylogeny). We will also discuss with Vygotsky (2000 [1934]), among other relevant authors, regarding the role of language and the historical-social process in the development of the individual. According to this Russian author, the acquisition of knowledge occurs through the interaction of the subject with the environment, as it is in the exchange with other subjects that knowledge and social functions are assimilated. Since language is an integral part of everyday life in which we transmit desires and needs, thoughts, concerns and plans (Clark, 2009), we bring to the table Damásio (2009) and Ekman (2011) to deal with the possible implication of feelings and emotions. For this work, we cut out two language patterns represented in the baby's crying.



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Author Biographies

Renata Barbosa Vicente, UFRPE

She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco. Works in the PROGEL academic postgraduate program in Line 1 - Linguistic, textual, discursive and enunciative analyses. Do you have a doctorate and master's degree in Philology and Portuguese Language from the University of São Paulo? USP. He is a member of the Language Cognition and Society Research Group - LINCS at FFLCH-USP and has been working in the umbrella project Projeto Universal CNPq 2022/2025 [Process: 423337/2021-1]: Inferential resources in situated metaphor and audio description? contrastive study, together with the interdisciplinary team. Are you the leader of the Literacy, Literacy, Digital Technology and Cognition research group? LATEC with outstanding production in the field of Cognition. He is dedicated to studying cognition and language, with an interest in neuroscience, researching topics on inputs and outputs caused by mental triggers, memory and Alzheimer's. He has a great interest in action research and coordinates an extension project for the elderly (better age). Guides interdisciplinary work within the scope of digital literacy and digital technology in favor of reading and writing. He was president of the World Symposium on Portuguese Language Studies - VII SIMELP (2019)

Maria Célia Lima-Hernandes, USP

Full Professor at USP and Researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies - IEA-USP. Master's Advisor for the Language Studies Program (PROGEL/UFRPE). Scientific Initiation Advisor and post-doctoral supervisor at the Department of Classical and Vernacular Literature-FFLCH. Advisor of doctoral students and supervisor of Post-doctoral students at the Interdisciplinary Program Integration of Latin America (PROLAM-USP). Researcher PQ Process: 302772/2018-9. Coordinator of the Universal Project CNPq 2022/2025 [Process: 423337/2021-1]: Inferential resources in situated metaphor and audio description contrastive study, in partnership with the Institute of Psychology, Institute of Physics, Faculty of Medicine of Jundiaí, Magnetic Resonance Laboratory from Hospital das Clínicas (USP), LARAMARA, Instituto Luiz Braille de Jundiaí. Post-doctorate at the University of Macau (China, 2010-2011, with a CAPES scholarship, under the supervision of Alan Baxter), Research Internship in 2015-2016, with a FAPESP Scholarship, at the University of Macau, under the supervision of Maria José Grosso. PhD from Unicamp (supervised by Maria Luiza Braga) in Theoretical Linguistics (Historical Linguistics, with qualifications in Anthropological Linguistics and Sociolinguistics). Master from USP (supervised by Angela Rodrigues) in Philology and Portuguese Language, with CNPq scholarship [Process: 135207/1996-7] from 03/1998 to 08/1998 and Master in Neurosciences (Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes - IAEU - Spain) in 2016. Specialist in Grammar (Lato Sensu - S.Judas Tadeu), graduated from FEC-ABC (Letras-English) and São Judas Tadeu (Letras-French). She was a visiting professor at: Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay) in 2010; Sichuan University of Foreign Studies (China) in 2015; Universitè de Lille (France) in 2019; and at the University of Évora (2021). Studies topics related to intercultural contact from a perspective of cognition and language in border areas of knowledge. Leader of the research group "Language and Cognition" (LinC-USP) with outstanding production in the study of relationships between linguistic uses and cognitive processes. Participates as a researcher-member of: Multinational Research Group "LP no Mundo", Portuguese in Use (PORUS/UFF). Associate of the Linguistic Society of America, the Brazilian Linguistics Association, ALFAL, AOTP and the International Association of Portuguese Linguistics, of which she was second secretary (from 2010-2014 with management in MSAR-China), first secretary (2015-2018 ) and vice-president (2020-2025) based in Portugal). Science ID 8F18-6F10-B3B6.


José Temístocles Ferreira Júnior, UFRPE

He has a degree in Literature from the Federal University of Paraíba, where he developed his master's research in Linguistics, with an emphasis on Language Acquisition and Linguistics of Enunciation. He also has a doctorate in Linguistics from UFPB, with a sandwich period at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco and the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies (PROGEL-UFRPE). Coordinates the Center for Enunciative and Applied Language Studies in the CNPq Research Directory. At PROGEL, he works in research line 01, investigating issues and phenomena related to the enunciative-discursive perspective of studying language, assuming that language and the production of meanings are affected by concrete situations of use. He works mainly on the following topics: enunciation and its interfaces, subjective constitution; mother-baby interaction; deixis; subjectivity indicators; Benveniste; category of person; language disorders; enunciation and literacy; academic literacy. He is currently the General Coordinator of UAB at UFRPE.


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June 4, 2024

How to Cite

BARBOSA VICENTE, R.; TEOBALDO , D. A.; LIMA-HERNANDES, M. C.; FERREIRA JÚNIOR, J. T. Baby crying and its role in the language acquisition . Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 13, n. 2, p. e2287, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11361873. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


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