Rilke’s Römische Fontäne translated by José Paulo Paes and Augusto de Campos


Keywords: Translation, Poetry, Rainer Maria Rilke, José Paulo Paes, Augusto de Campos



In this work, a comparison was made between the translations of José Paulo Paes and Augusto de Campos of the poem Römische Fontäne [Roman Fountain], by Rainer Maria Rilke, present in his book Neue Gedichte - I, [New Poems - I], 1907. These translations are present in the anthologies Rainer Maria Rilke [Poemas] (1993), by Paes, and Rilke: Poesia-Coisa (1994), by Campos. To fulfill the main objective, it was discussed about the concept of the book New Poems, as well as about the figure of the fountain, in the poetry of Rilke. Then, the analysis was performed under the parameters of analysis of poem and translations proposed by Mário Laranjeira (1993). Hans Vermeer's classification (1994 apud SNELL-HORNBY, 2012) was also used to classify translations according to their degree of distancing or approximation to the target language. Through analysis and comparison, it was found that the main difference between the two translations stems from the way each translator dealt with the verbal iconicity present in Rilke's poem, regarding the assimilating or alienating factor of the translation approaches, in relation to the original, and the transgressing potential of Campos' transcreation proposal. About the Rilkean work, the following sources were consulted: Judith Ryan (2004), Manfred Engel (2004), Otto von Bollnow (1955), Wolfgang Müller (1997) and Benedito Nunes (2009).


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Author Biographies

Ana Maria Ferreira Torres, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Graduada em Licenciatura em Letras – Língua Portuguesa na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) em 2018. Discente do mestrado em Estudos Literários do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (PPGL) da UFPA, iniciado em 2019.

Mayara Ribeiro Guimarães, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Graduou-se em Bacharelado em Português-Inglês pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) em 2000. Obteve grau de mestre em Literatura Brasileira pela UFRJ em 2004. Doutora em Literatura Brasileira pela mesma instituição (2009). Professora de Literatura Brasileira na Universidade Federal do Pará e do PPGL da UFPA na área de Estudos Literários, com ênfase em Literatura Brasileira do século XX, Teoria Literária e Tradução.


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MOISÉS, Massaud. Dicionário de termos literários. 12 ed. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2013.

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NUNES, Benedito. A clave do poético. Organização de Victor Sales Pinheiro. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2009.

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September 26, 2023

How to Cite

TORRES, A. M. F. .; GUIMARÃES, M. R. . Rilke’s Römische Fontäne translated by José Paulo Paes and Augusto de Campos. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 9, n. 3, p. Port. 228–243 /Eng. 227, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


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