Lusophone pluricentrality: what do IFFluminense Languages Licenciateship students know about Portuguese in East Timor?
The Portuguese language is the official language in nine countries, a factor that contributes to the pluricentrality of the language, considering that, within each territory, Portuguese is transfigured in a different way. With this, this work makes brief notes on the Portuguese language, as a pluricentric language, focusing on investigating the level of knowledge of the students of the Languages (Portuguese and Literatures) course at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Fluminense Campus Campos Centro, regarding the historical relation between the Portuguese language and East Timor. For this reason, a bibliographic research was initially adopted, carrying out a compilation of theoretical data, with the aid of the filing technique. Afterwards, field research was used, with the application of a questionnaire, for data collection. As obtained results, there is an indication that most of the students of the IFFluminense Languages Course are aware that the Portuguese language is pluricentric, but are unaware of the relationship between the language and East Timor, specifically. In addition, the results indicate that the students consider the approach of the subject in the course syllabus of the Languages Course relevant.
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