Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on palliative care in intensive therapy
The 2019 coronavirus infection reached worldwide proportions, causing hundreds of millions of confirmed cases and millions of deaths, it is estimated that up to 2% of the cases need ICU admission and ventilatory support, especially elderly and those with comorbidities. The peak of severe cases placed the health profissionais in difficult ethical decision-making situations regarding prioritize intensive care in the context of pandemia, especially considering the strict measures of infection control, limited human and material resources. This article aims to analyze the main changes and adaptations of Palliative Care in the ICU considering the lack of resources. The methodology used is qualitative bibliographical through studies published in databases such as Scielo and Lilacs for free, over the last 5 years. The difficulties imposed by the scarcity of resources, in this pandemic time proved to be a real villain in some situations, where patients quickly suffered a deterioration in their health condition, care professionals found themselves overloaded and, added to this, mandatory isolation and guidance to family members not to touch or even be close to their loved ones. It was concluded that the integration of palliative care into pandemic planning is crucial to equip health professionals with the necessary resources to be prepared for these unforeseen circumstances.
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