
Keywords: art déco, preservação, Teresina


This article aims to document the architectural manifestation of Art Deco in Teresina, through the analysis of one of the most significant public buildings of the movement in the capital of Piaui, today the headquarters of the Public Archive of the State of Piaui: Casa Anísio Brito. Dating from the beginning of the 19th century, the building, which previously underwent other uses, has an extremely significant function for the state, which is to house its largest documentary collection. Because of this, the research had its main source of data in the house's own collection, as well as in the study of the building. The research seeks to contribute to the preservation of Teresina's architectural heritage, as well as to the formation of knowledge about the history of architecture in the city through the registration and documentation of buildings of historical and cultural relevance to the capital of Piaui.


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March 29, 2024

How to Cite

FURTADO, B.; BRITO, C. CASA ANÍSIO BRITO: PRESENÇA DO ART DÉCO NA ARQUITETURA TERESINENSE. Architecture and Place Journal, Campina Grande, v. 2, n. 5, p. 21–31, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.

