Through the hands of the Lords of Campo Seco: source for studying the history of penetration and propagation of the written language in the highlands of Bahia


Palabras clave: Brazilian portuguese, Farm book, Graph-phonetic indexes, 18th and 19th centuries


This article aims to present the linguistic study of a private manuscript, the Livro do Gado do Brejo do Campo Seco, written by a Lusitanian and his Brazilian descendants, in the Sertão da Bahia, between the ends of the colonial period in the middle of the times post-colonial. It is a relevant linguistic testimony for the studies of the social and linguistic reconstruction of Brazilian Portuguese, especially for the history of the penetration and diffusion of writing in the interior of Bahia. Thus, we sought to investigate the graphic aspects of the writers of this manuscript, investigating, from a qualitative perspective, the issue of disability / skill and the description of possible graph-phonetic indexes. For this study, Marquilhas (2000); Barbosa (1999, 2017). Regarding the results, it was found that the three authors of the Livro do Gado are not very skilled with written practice. In relation to the survey of graphical-phonetic indices, some occurrences, derived from the notes of Brazilians, appear to be aspects of lowering vowels; diphthong reduction; nasalization; vowel elevation. As for the graphic features, they identified aspects such as: graphics; latinization; grapheme replacement; grapheme elimination; inversion of grapheme order, spelling for nasal diphthong and vowel variation. This investigation collaborates with the third research agenda of PHPB, carrying out the linguistic study of the referred material, thus contributing with a significant corpus so that it is possible to reconstruct the past of Brazilian Portuguese (PB).


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Biografía del autor/a

Elaine Brandão Santos, University of Feira de Santana

Master in Linguistic Studies by the Postgraduate Program in Linguistic Studies at the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS). Graduated in Vernacular Letters from the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS). He is a member of the CE-DOHS Research Project - Electronic Corpus of Historical Documents of the Sertão, since his scientific initiation as a FAPESB fellow, he is also part of the Vozes do Sertão projects in data: stories, peoples and formation of Brazilian Portuguese and Documents of the Sobrado do Brejo Seco (18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

Mariana Fagundes de Oliveira Lacerda, University of Feira de Santana

Doctor in Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in 2009, with a PhD internship at the University of Lisbon (UL), funded by CAPES. Post-Doctorate in Linguistics at the State University of Bahia (UNEB), in 2019. At the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS), where she is Full Professor, coordinates the Center for Portuguese Language Studies (NELP) and the Corpus Eletrônico project Historical Documents of the Sertão (CEDOHS / FAPESB). Member of the Program for the History of the Portuguese Language (PROHPOR), of the National Project for the History of Brazilian Portuguese (PHPB) and of the International Scientific Committee of the Pombalia Project - Pombal Global.


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enero 31, 2021

Cómo citar

SANTOS, E. B.; LACERDA, M. F. de O. Through the hands of the Lords of Campo Seco: source for studying the history of penetration and propagation of the written language in the highlands of Bahia. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 10, n. 1, p. 165–183, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10278117. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dic. 2024.

