A Escrita no Autismo Como Uma Possibilidade de Enunciação.
In the educational environment, students with autism often present difficulties in participating in group activities, isolation, immature language and fixation on specific themes. It is important to highlight that students with autism have difficulty, or do not understand, metaphors and other forms of non-literal language. Our objective is to analyze the enunciative movements present in a narrative written by an autistic student, confirming the subject's slip in language. To reflect on the subject's relationship with written language, we use as a theoretical reference the concepts of enunciative linguistics by researcher Émile Benveniste (1902-1976), who defines enunciation as the individual act of putting language into operation and configures specific marks of the subject in language. A student diagnosed with autism, 14 years old, without comorbidity, enrolled in the eighth year of Elementary School II at a private school, participated in this study, who is monitored in the Specialized Educational Service room, in the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco . The analysis of the written narrative showed that the student presents enunciative movements indicative of the unique handling of written language, marking his subjectivity in the language.
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