The current article aims to classify the vocabulary presentation activities in the specific section of the textbook Anytime! Always Ready for Education. Based on reflections on vocabulary teaching strategies (GATTOLIN, 1998; BEZERRA, 1999; LEFFA, 2000; THORNBURY, 2002; LEWIS, 1997), on the concepts about the lexicon (ANTUNES, 2012; KRIEGER, 2014; RIO-TORTO , 2006), which ratify the importance of developing lexical competence; on considerations about the role of textbooks and English language teaching, activities are classified as a way of verifying the existence of systematization and variety of the proposed exercises. Through data analysis, it is clear that the vocabulary presentation is directly related to the following practices, such as reading and writing, as a form of preparation. It was noticed that correspondence activities types and the phrases or texts creation were predominant, always following the same model. That’s the reason why we reinforce the necessity of exploring vocabulary in a very diverse way in order to offer students different ways to initial contact with the meaningful words and contexts that promote the practice of reading, listening, writing and speaking skills in a pleasant and reflective way.
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