
Keywords: railroad, modernity, amazonian architecture


This article approaches the “surge of modernity” experienced in the city of Porto Velho, in Rondônia, from its installation at the beginning of the last century, to house the initial station of the Estrada de Ferro Madeira Mamoré until the nationalization phase of the railroad in the 1940s. we chose this time frame because we understand that at no other time has the city experienced this modern experience with such emphasis as in its first Years of existence.Porto Velho, being the capital practically isolated in a local network of still quite embryonic cities, is characterized as the main showcase of the events that shaped this formation; architectural production in the city in its early days reveals this effervescence of modernity experienced in the country as a whole.The relationship with the various moments of the railroad’s operation and its administrations is crystallized both in the architectural buildings and in the urban complex that houses them, placing that small Amazonian city in a vanguard position, in its modernity at the beginning of the 20th century.



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September 5, 2023

How to Cite

BARREIROS SILVA, A. C. THE MADEIRA MAMORÉ RAILWAY AND THE CITY OF PORTO VELHO-RONDÔNIA: SYMBOLS OF MODERNITY IN TERRITORIES OF POWER. Architecture and Place Journal, Campina Grande, v. 1, n. 3, p. 08–22, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.

