The becoming of the non-human animals in a post pandemic world


Palavras-chave: Anti-speciesism, Animal Becoming, Animal right, Non-human individuals


This work aims at bringing an ecocritical look upon the non-human animals taking into consideration their becoming in a post-pandemic world, focusing on anti-speciesism, since most Literature that deal with the relationship between human beings and other species does it under an instrumental perspective, considering human interest and the animal´s value while an object, as for example the preservation of wild animals as elements that belong to the fauna. Here will be pointed out the way how the shared abilities between human and non-human individuals conjoin to the characterization of this personality. As well as the considered ideal of human dignity is necessarily linked to the conceptof existential minimum and the subsequent list of basic rights for its self-preservation, in a post-pandemic future – concurrently and respected the due proportions – it becomes mandatory the comprehension of non-human individuals while equally subjects with rights, with the construction of a proper dignity that as though is derived from human dignity is not interchangeable with it. 


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Biografia do Autor

Sueli Meira Liebig, State University of Paraiba

Sueli Meira Liebig is an Associate Professor at the Modern Languages Department at the State University of Paraiba where she teaches in both undergraduate and graduate programs. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Federal University of Minas Gerais/University of Georgia-Athens, USA (2002). Her research interests cover several fields, such as: comparative studies, African American literature, and ecocriticism.

Rafaela Liebig Ramalho Lucena, Federal University of Alagoas

Rafaela Liebig Ramalho Lucena is a Law major at Federal University of Alagoas where she has been doing
research in the field of anthropology and animal rights.


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Publicado em

29 de dezembro de 2021

Como Citar

LIEBIG, S. M.; LUCENA, R. L. R. The becoming of the non-human animals in a post pandemic world. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 10, n. 4, p. 67–77, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8408708. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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