From stage to literacy practices: through an analysis of rock discourse
This work aims to analyze, in the light of the postulate of Discourse Analysis, in its articulation with Literacy studies, the rock discourse What country is this?, released by the band Legião Urbana in 1987. This song, beyond its time, materializes statements of protest that are updated in the context of Brazilian politics. Because we understand that music has a leading role among protests that call on people to take a stand against oppression and different crises that afflict the world, rock is a practice of oralization and discourse that accompanies such events, translating them to people, awakening them to the fight against inhuman realities. Among the different musical styles, protest rock constitutes a significant genre for discussions involving political themes and moves across the most different fields of human activity. Specifically, it forges a type of enunciative regularity, singing positions in a given context of manifesto and ideological struggle. From the analysis we carried out, we observed how the reading activity in the classroom can give the rock statement possibilities for reflection on the place of the subject who enunciates and the other, the one who interprets it. It is a literacy practice that can translate reading skills to students and contextualize current national policy. In other words, there is a timelessness that runs through rock's statements and demands a look at the exercise of citizenship, rights and duties, as skills that relate to social practices.
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