O discurso de resistência como metáfora política da Literatura Fantástica em cenário de crise democrática
This article presents a reflection on the mechanisms of production of the discourse of resistance as a political metaphor of Fantastic Literature in a scenario of a democratic crisis based on an analytical critical nature study of the books A Hora dos Ruminantes by José J. Veiga and O Seminário dos Ratos by Lygia Fagundes Telles. The study has as its general objective to understand the idea of Fantastic Literature discourse as a political metaphor and as specific objectives to evaluate the degree of sustainability and effectiveness of this discourse amid the growing resurgence of authoritarian governments. The theoretical contributions of Todorov (1981), Berardinelli (2011), Camarani (2014), Candido (2015), Vereza (2010), among others, substantiate the analyzes undertaken here which emphasize the relevance of the effervescence of resistance discourses housed within of Fantastic Literature as fracture bias of different hegemonic fields of knowledge in a reality steeped in crises.
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