Contemporary brazilian youth poetry (2010-2020): state of the matter
The article proposes to present, in a partial way, the state of the question of Brazilian youth poetry, from six works, published between 2010 and 2020: Diário da Montanha (Manat), by Roseana Murray (2012); Poesia é Fogo, é Terra, é Água, é Ar!: haicais (Rocco Jovens Leitores), by Sandra Lopes (2013), illustrations by Janaina Tokitaka; Futurações (Projeto), by Caio Riter (2014), illustrations by Ana Gruszynski; Caderno veloz de anotações, poemas e desenhos (Melhoramentos), by Ricardo Azevedo (2015); Cotidiano, paixões & outros flashes (Lê), by Luís Dill (2019), illustrations by Silvana de Menezes; Poemas para jovens inquietos (L&PM), by Sérgio Capparelli (2019). The objective is to investigate the modes of manifestation - themes and forms - of this production and establish a counterpoint to the question of the adjective “juvenile”. The article, through the analysis of works of poetry aimed at young people, contemplated by the corpus, in the proposed time frame, observed the evolution and trends of Brazilian youth poetry in the literary system and, therefore, partially exposed its state of the matter.
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