ABSTRACT: Rupi Kaur’s masterpiece ‘Milk and Honey’ is filled with figures of speech such as irony, hyperbole, personification, metonymy, metaphor, and simile that resemble aspects of the author’s minimalistic and aesthetic writing style. Additionally, it explores relevant themes like the commodification of women’s bodies, oppressive beauty norms, and rape culture that are attached to The Feminist Movement foundations. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze six poems from the anthology in order to illustrate the usage of figures of speech in a literary context. Bearing in mind that comprehending figurative language is not an easy process, this study suggests some tools like the notions of presuppositions, vehicle, and intertextuality that can assist readers to better understand the language implemented by the author. Furthermore, this work considers some author's contributions such as Axelle Mariavale and David MacQuillan to investigate the techniques Kaur uses to create a self-related atmosphere in her book. Thereby, the study of the poems points out that approaching figurative language in literature produces considerable outcomes as it evokes vivid but diverse interpretations, encourages critical thinking, and enhances the reader’s emotive responses.
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