Neither here nor there - Where can COVID-19 pandemic lead, since near / far is nowhere?


Keywords: Humanity, Nature, Crisis


The article addresses the crisis, related to the COVID-19 pandemic, pointing to it as a result of the convergence of several other crises, including the social, environmental, political and economic. The text discusses the need for human re-appropriation of different ways of life, indicating as a pressing need the production of other forms of knowledge and understanding, according to Leff (2004), aiming at the dissemination, above all, of the valorization of other forms of life in the planet. In proposing this type of "dialogical table", for the production of environmental meanings in the context of the relationships between human beings and nature, it guides towards the observation of aspects inherent to the constitution of the human being, such as emotions and spiritualities that operate as promoters and inducers of thoughts and behaviors in the production of realities and daily life. The article suggests based on the studies of Medina (2021) and Lavorato (2020), the creation of a talk table for the "listening" of beings, whose seats should be guaranteed, in the name of the maintenance of all forms of life in the Planet. It concludes by pointing out
the human as a mediator and weaver of the network of production, provider and sponsor emphasizing the value of the knowledge of nature such as the protein threads produced by spiders, the social organization of ants and the flower of the mandacaru in hinterland indicating the arrival of rain in the sertão.


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Author Biography

Alice Maria Corrêa Medina, Universidade de Brasília

Universidade de Brasília – D.F. – Brasil. Doutorado/Pós-doutorado em Educação (PPGE).


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December 29, 2021

How to Cite

MEDINA, A. M. C. Neither here nor there - Where can COVID-19 pandemic lead, since near / far is nowhere?. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 10, n. 4, p. 32–41, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8404650. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

