The National Common Curricular Base – BNCC (BRAZIL 2018), regarding the teaching of the Portuguese language, seeks to establish a dialogue with the curricular documents produced in recent decades and also starts to assume an enunciative-discursive perspective of language, in which the text is the work unit in the definition of objects of knowledge and skills, considering, for this, the interrelationship between the teaching axes: reading, orality, writing and linguistic/semiotic analysis. Therefore, considering this statement, this article presents an excerpt from a research carried out in the Scientific Initiation Program (PIBIC/PIC/UFRPE/UAST), which has the general objective of investigating the language practice of the linguistic/semiotic analysis axis in the National Common Curricular Base. Specifically, it seeks to (i) analyze the nature of the knowledge objects of the Linguistic Analysis/Semiotics axis in the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) for elementary education (from 6th to 9th grade); and (ii) describe the objects of knowledge of the linguistic/semiotic analysis axis of the field of action in public life. Based on the objectives presented in (i) and (ii), we propose some possibilities of activities for the development of objects of knowledge of the axis Linguistic analysis/semiotics for the Portuguese language curriculum. To base the writing of this work, we sought support in studies that address the teaching of the Portuguese language, such as Geraldi (1997), Mendonça (2006), as well as in official documents, such as the BNCC (2018), the PCN (1998), among others. The results point, according to what the BNCC proposes, to work with the practice of linguistic/semiotic analysis in which the pedagogical proposals should prioritize texts, as they reflect historically situated social actions, which, through discourse, materialize in texts.
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