Focus and Scope

Revista Letras Raras [RLR] is a quarterly academic journal created and directed by researchers from the Laboratory of Literature and Language Studies in Contemporaneity (LELLC-Research Group /UFCG/CNPq), among which there are professors of the Post-Graduation Program in Language and Teaching at the Academic Unit of Languages, Humanities Centre of Federal University of Campina Grande (CH / UFCG).

It accepts articles, essays and reviews, poems, translations, interviews of areas of knowledge, and gives space to the intellectual production of scholars from all over the country and from abroad, if they are affiliated to the area of Language Sciences and its manifold manifestations.

RLR receives in-stream contributions, except for dossiers. In such cases, there will always be a deadline for submissions for each dossier.

Revista Letras Raras received Qualis/Capes B1 in the area of Languages/Linguistics in the quadrennium 2013-2016.

Revista Letras Raras/LELLC/CH/UFCG works with free access to all editions and there is no financial cost for collaborators to publish their texts.

This journal aims at:

1. Giving space for the dissemination of research and other work produced by undergraduate students;

 2. Being a space for promoting multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity between the different areas of knowledge and the area of Languages and their interfaces.

Revista Letras Raras accepts the works of undergraduate and graduate students from any area of knowledge, as long as they are affiliated to the area of Language Sciences and its multiple manifestations.

Despite the acceptability of academic papers from several areas of knowledge, provided that they are within the norms of this Editorial Policy, Revista Letras Raras elaborates thematic dossiers, allocating works that deal with the proposed theme. However, the publication of works outside this dossier will not be compromised.

Revista Letras Raras is a journal in Portuguese, but it receives very positively works in English as well as in French, Spanish, German and Italian.

Articles and essays submitted by undergraduate students must have, arguably, co-authorship of a doctor researcher/professor or a doctoral student. For master’s students (and masters), co-authoring with doctors is also required. The reviews and artistic productions are not obligatory to co-author. Only those reviews relating to texts that have been published up to the last two (2) years prior to the date of submission of the review will be accepted.

The limit of three authors must be respected.

Papers should be structured and formatted according to the editorial guidelines and for this purpose the Publication Rules available on this platform shall be consulted. The magazine has a plagiarism tracking policy.