About the Journal
Letras Raras Journal [LRJ] is a quarterly journal created and coordinated by researchers from the Laboratory of Studies on Linguistics, Literature, and Languages in Contemporary Society (LELLC-Research Group/UFCG/CNPq), among whom there are professors from the Post-Graduate Program in Language and Teaching from the Academic Unit of Letters (Humanities Center) at the Federal University of Campina Grande (CH/UFCG).
It accepts papers, essays and reviews, poems, translations, and interviews from different areas of knowledge, besides providing space to the intellectual production of scholars from all over the country and abroad, as long as they are linked to the area of Language Sciences and their multiple materialisations LRJ receives contributions in a continuous publication model, except for specific issues. In such cases, there will always be a deadline for submitting proposals.
Letras Raras Journal received Qualis/Capes B1 in Linguistics and Literature.
Letras RarasJournal/LELLC/CH/UFCG works with free access to all publications and there is no financial cost for collaborators to publish their texts.
e-ISSN: 2317-2347
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