
Keywords: cotidiano no habitat sertanejo, fazenda, patrimônio tradicional sertanejo, região Seridó potiguar


The Seridó region of Rio Grande do Norte is important in the historical context as one of the main cattle networks structured in Brazil during the 18th century. This context resulted in a legacy in the form of rural properties spread over almost the entire area. The seridoense farm is unique and brings together, at the same time and in an articulated way, several dimensions of the so-called cultural heritage. It represents the relationships established between those who live there and the place. These interactions explain why it is seen as a heritage site that is continually being structured in the context of this specific habitat. However, even with the identification of this perspective, it can be seen that the farm is often contextualized in a fragmented way within the pastoral scenario. For this reason, we decided to delve into the daily life of one of the remaining farms from this cycle. The Ingá farm, located in the municipality of Acari/RN, is highlighted in this essay through a journey that captures images of the daily life of its residents, thus expanding knowledge by demonstrating that a property is not only made of big houses and cattle. The choice of this path characterizes some representative elements of the sertanejo habitat, making it possible to visualize property in the Potiguar region no longer as an "object" symbolizing the pastoral past, but as a dynamic process of social life. The records include routes, traditional knowledge, sharing and elements of this productive landscape that characterize the dynamics of the place. The images capture the gaze of those who occupy the farm, specifically, the details of the residents' daily actions, making it possible to understand the Ingá estate through their through its recording.


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July 19, 2024

How to Cite

DE LIMA ASSUNÇÃO, M. R. INGÁ FARM: A “HINTERLAND HERALDRY”. Architecture and Place Journal, Campina Grande, v. 2, n. 6, p. 128–135, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.


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